Music Library:

five :: for quintet & creative cartography (Digital File)
five :: for quintet & creative cartography is a set of 5 improvisational maps based on the highways and public transportation systems of several US cities. Each map can be performed several different ways, or several maps could be performed together. five is mostly used as a system of “free” improvisation for jazz or electronic quintets. five has been played by Jonathan Arcangel, Marques Pruitt, Michael Rodenkirch, Al Lesieutre, Brenin Coin, Jacob Elibol, Sean DeCoursey, Ryan Yumang, Spencer Paulsen, Henry Peyrebrune, and more.
Price: $9.50

three :: for trio and tape (Digital File)
wound :: for duo prepared banjo, angular feedback, & tape
clipping by proximity :: for trio trombone & tape
sterren sleutel :: for pf, tpt, ds, & tape
three :: for trio & tape is a collection of three experimental pieces for three performers and fixed media (the “tape”) and experimenting with descriptive notation and original symbols. The three pieces are wound :: for duo prepared banjo, angular feedback, & tape which was written for Joshua Garrison, Al Lesieutre, & Michael Morales, and is an exploration of tension and release; clipping by proximity :: for trio trombone & tape is a study on the clipping of microphones with proximity as well as trombone slide positions; and sterren sleutel :: for pf, tpt, ds, & tape, the title of which means “stars-key” is written for Jack Starkey and experiments with arrhythmic looping, key changes, and pointillism. The tape/fixed component is available for all three pieces alongside the PDF.
.pdf file with three accompanying tapes: $12.50

static :: for egtr and electronics (Digital File)
static :: for egtr & electronics is a study on scalar thinking written for guitarist Jacob Elibol. The optional fixed media is available alongside the PDF, and if you’d like to incorporate Live (performed) Electronics, please email JD at fuller.joshua.d@gmail.com ; for more information on scales, see ianring.com
.pdf file with accompanying tape: $5.50